Saturday, July 16, 2011

"THE GOD STUFF": A Response To The Annoyed

Be warned. I talk about "the God stuff".

Every now and then someone will make a slightly sarcastic comment on how I or other Christians talk about "the God stuff" a lot.

Well, maybe because we... are... Christians?

If art was at the core of your identity, you would probably talk about art... a. lot.

If baseball was at the core of your identity, you would probably talk about baseball... a. lot.

If dogs were at the core of your identity, you would probably talk about dogs... a. lot. And that would probably aggravate me as much as me talking about God stuff may aggravate others:)

My point is this. God is at the very core of a Christian's identity. We recognize that this most loving Being has given us every single blessing we have ever received here on Earth. We recognize that He has never left us or forsaken us even when others have. We recognize that He carries us when we are weak. We recognize that His Son was given to take our wrongs, shame, and the pain of imperfection so that we might live as free, loved, shame and guilt-free beings. We recognize that He makes a way for us when there seems to be no way at all. We recognize that He is faithful even when we are faithless. We not only recognize these things, we have experienced these things. We have personally experienced the Lord in these ways. So please understand if we talk about Jesus, God, and all "that stuff". It's not because we are trying to be disturbing to anyone. Nah. It's because He is simply our everything. He is at the core of our identity. He is "where" our identity comes. And there is no shame in that.

This God stuff not only CHANGED my life, but SAVED my life. If I talk about God stuff a lot, that is why.

I do not talk about Him to shove Him down anyone's throat or to annoy, but if you ask me why my son is so amazing or how I landed such a loving husband or how I am not the nut-job I used to be before all this God stuff began, the God stuff WILL come up. All these blessings and all this growth have only come from one source and one source ALONE.

Art may be what you DO, but God is who makes you what you are... what you can BE... on the inside... if you let Him.

I guess the only way to TRULY avoid the God stuff is to avoid Christians...

but where's the fun in that:)

Kim Winston Bigler

(this entry is dedicated to the annoyed... truce:))


  1. Do people really object more in California than Louisiana? I can tell when people get uncomfortable about me speaking of my Best Friend, but around here they kinda just duck their heads and wait until you're done.

  2. In Louisiana, I find they WON'T say what they really want to say when annoyed unless it's regarding politics or sports:) So you are just left with this underlying feeling of tension when bringing up the God stuff. In California, I find "the annoyed" WILL say something but usually in a sarcastic manner as if to say, "not interested" OR they may want to challenge a certain belief we hold at the mere mention of Him.
