Thursday, May 5, 2011


Psalm 119:28 (New King James Version)

"My soul melts from heaviness;
Strengthen me according to Your word."

Let me make myself clear... illness, disease, sickness, and a decrease in health comes from us living in a fallen world. Sin wrecked God's perfect design for man, in health and environment. Stress due to this wreckage of mind, will, emotions, body, and environment is the number one culprit of all physical ailments and issues. There is a reason why preachers tell you to hate sin... why the Bible tells us to hate sin... why God hates sin... because, well, it hates us. Sin has destroyed everything good and perfect that the Lord created in us and for us. As much as some folks want to blame God for bad things happening to us , He has actually been the ONE fighting for all of this loss to be restored.

Take my health for instance. About 6 years ago I started to experience PROFOUND fatigue. I was in ministry, going a hundred miles per hour. I made myself available to ANYONE who needed help as much as I possibly could. Slowing down for me was like disappointing the world... in my mind of course:) Do you sense my insanity at this point? Good if you do, that means you have sense. Bad if you don't, cause that means your next.

More symptoms started to pop up. My body was trying to warn me of the self-inflicted chaos happening in it due to my "savior mentality"... aka people pleasing. That warning grew more desperate in getting my attention and even more symptoms manifested over time. I went from "I feel a little tired" to "I think I'm about to die". I was experiencing the effects of a life-sucking autoimmune disorder. Stress had finally taken it's toll on a person who hadn't learned about the power of rest, the weakness of the mind and body apart from God's grace, and the hidden wounds of the soul that motivate one to TRY and be ALL things to everyone. That lack of wisdom and healing was killing me.

In my misunderstandings about God and His ways, I thought I was being punished, or didn't have enough faith to walk in divine healing, or it was Satan trying to stop the work of God. Nutcase-like? I know. But true. I had heard way too much wacky preaching that somehow stole my good sense. But the Lord was fighting for me. The Lord was not only trying to restore my body but my mind which threw my body under the bus in the first place. I started to see TRUTH that actually helped put me on the road to recovery.

First, I had been pushing myself past the boundaries of God's grace. We do that as Americans. Success means high performance, even in ministry, and rest is for my great grandmother. That idolatrous principle is the greatest killer on this planet. God made Adam to work the land but that work was NEVER meant to master him. It was for Adam's good, because God made people to thrive in having purpose. Second, I needed the Lord to heal deeper wounds in my soul that he had been trying to address for years. The Lord didn't send the autoimmune but He didn't just take it away either. The more loving thing, for me, was to use it to stop a run away freight train headed for a cliff. If the Lord would have just healed me instantly, I wouldn't have come to the deeper truths that my soul needed to be restored... to be made whole. I had to stop and allow rest in my life, to allow people to take care of me, and to allow Jesus to be the Savior in my life. His love and grace became more real to me as I started to let go of all the over-the-top expectations I had placed on myself and those others had placed on me. I got quiet. The restlessness started to diminish and I could hear God more clearly, feel His love so much more profoundly, and then I realized... the Lord trying to save my life, not just in body but in the quality of that LIFE Jesus died to give. Learning to live in His love and grace more fully has been the biggest gift the Lord has ever bestowed on me.

I wish I could tell you I am autoimmune challenge-free. I am not. Matter of fact, I am weakened under it's hooks as I am writing. I know why. I am still learning about the balance I need to have in my life. I still struggle with ministering out of God's grace alone, resting when my body tells me, asking for help, eating the proper foods to strengthen my body, among others. But I am learning. God doesn't have me on a tight leash. I do. That's the problem. He is trying to free me from it. I am doing so much better than when this all started. Healing HAS been progressive. God's grace is strong in my life. So is His love. I know I am on the road to recovery. He is faithful. There is an "abundant life" the Bible talks about, and I am learning what that life is all about. I like it. It's real.

Proverbs 8:14 (New King James Version)

Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom;
I am understanding, I have strength.

Isaiah 40:31 (Amplified Bible)

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.

Isaiah 41:10 (New International Version, ©2011)

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Kim Winston Bigler

(this entry is dedicated to those who have walked before me and helped to show me the way... the better way... thank you Ruth!)


  1. Anonymous5/05/2011

    Kim! Thank you for writing this. i have been oversleeping for the past nine months or so (9-11 hours a night--sometimes even 12!). i've tried sleeping for only eight but my body won't have it. i never wake up feeling refreshed, fully rested or energized. i don't feel chronic fatigue throughout the day, but i do always feel that i never get enough sleep no matter how much i get. The past year has been so emotionally draining and stressful. Sometimes i think maybe this is a subconscious need for escape. Thank you for your perspective on this. It encourages me. -Julianne

  2. So glad you are encouraged! He always knows what we need:) I pray you be strengthened by the power of His grace and His unfailing love!! xxoo
